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The New Normal Part 1

How Elders Set the Standard for Godly Living

01/21/2025 Stephen Davey

Have you ever thought about how much your actions under pressure reveal your character? The Apostle Paul knew that godly leadership requires more than skills and charisma—it demands character that’s forged in the everyday trials of life. In today’s episode, Stephen Davey walks us through Titus 1:8, where Paul lays out what it takes to lead God’s church. This isn’t just a checklist for elders; it’s a call for every believer to live a life that is a living testimony of God’s grace. We’ll explore what it means to create a "new normal," one that breaks away from cultural norms and embraces values like hospitality, justice, and a love for what is truly good. Whether you’re a church leader or not, today’s message challenges us all to think about how we’re modeling our faith to those around us. It’s about stepping away from what’s easy and embracing the high calling of living for Christ—both in our churches and in our everyday lives. Tune in and be inspired to live above the status quo and lead others by example.

Listen to the full-length version of this sermon: https://www.wisdomonline.org/teachings/titus-lesson-07

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