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Saints Alive

The Christian's Identity and Calling

11/01/2024 Stephen Davey

In Romans 1:6-7, the Apostle Paul reminds believers of three critical aspects of their identity: they are called to belong to Jesus Christ, they are deeply loved by God, and they are set apart as saints. This episode explores what it means to live with this profound identity. When you truly understand that you are God’s beloved and that you are called as His holy one, it changes how you approach your faith and life. The message challenges us to examine whether we’re living up to this high calling, not through our own strength, but through Christ's power and grace.

If you’ve ever wrestled with understanding what it means to be a saint, or if you wonder how to live a life that reflects your status as God’s called and beloved, this episode is for you. Discover how these truths shape your daily walk with Christ, and why your citizenship in heaven makes you even more effective in your life here on earth.

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