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Pray for Me

Dependence on Prayer and the Spirit in Uncertain Times

10/09/2024 Stephen Davey

In this message from Philippians 1:19-20, the Apostle Paul’s transparency is both surprising and relatable. Despite his confidence in God’s ultimate deliverance, Paul humbly admits his need for the prayers of the saints and the help of the Holy Spirit to navigate the uncertainties of his imprisonment. He invites us to see the power of prayer and the provision of the Spirit, especially during times of trial. Paul asks for specific prayer: that he will focus on what matters most, model courage, and magnify Christ in his body. This episode is a powerful reminder that even in our greatest challenges, we can rely on God’s provision through the prayers of others and the power of the Holy Spirit. Join us to learn how to approach life’s battles with humility and dependence on God.

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