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Gripped by the Gospel

How the Power of the Gospel Transforms and Compels

11/13/2024 Stephen Davey

What does it mean to be truly gripped by the gospel? In this episode, we explore how the Apostle Paul was consumed by the power and truth of the gospel message. From facing political and religious opposition in Rome to boldly declaring his faith, Paul’s life was a testimony of unashamed belief. But what drove his passion, and why was he so confident in the face of persecution? Through five key aspects of the gospel, you’ll learn how its power not only transforms lives but also confronts the world’s most deeply held beliefs. Whether you feel hesitant to share your faith or are looking for deeper purpose in your walk with God, this episode will show you how the gospel has the power to reshape your past, direct your present, and fill you with hope for the future. Discover how the gospel is for everyone, and how you can live unashamed of its truth today.

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