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Goodbye to Paradise

The Tragic Fall and Promise of Redemption

07/18/2024 Stephen Davey

Genesis chapter 3 is the saddest, most tragic chapter in all of the Bible. Yet, as we study this chapter today, we'll find interwoven into its tragic tapestry, the threads of hope and salvation. In verse 1a of chapter 3, we are told, "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made..." Oh, Satan is indeed crafty. In fact, two times we are warned of Satan in scriptures by the apostles. We'll discover the five-fold deceit of Satan in tempting Eve and the consequences of sin. But we'll also find God's promise of victory, the potential for marital unity, the hope of a re-established paradise, and the assurance of physical immortality. Join us as we explore these profound truths and learn valuable lessons from the fall of man.

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