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Finding Meaning on Monday Morning

Why Your Work Without God Feels Empty

12/12/2024 Stephen Davey

Do you dread Monday mornings, feeling like your work is pointless? King Solomon, one of the wisest and wealthiest figures in history, experienced the same frustration. Despite his incredible achievements and dream jobs, Solomon came to a startling conclusion: work, no matter how impressive, doesn’t satisfy without God. In this episode, we’ll dive into Solomon’s personal journal, Ecclesiastes, and explore why he declared his work empty and meaningless. Learn how recognizing your job as a gift from God can bring true joy and purpose. Whether you’re coding, roofing, or managing a household, discover why Monday mornings can shift from burdensome to blessed when approached with gratitude and devotion. If you’ve ever struggled to find fulfillment in your work, this episode will guide you toward a new perspective. Don’t miss this deep yet practical exploration of what brings real satisfaction in life.

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