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All or Nothing Part 2

Why God’s Truth Leaves No Room for Compromise

01/10/2025 Stephen Davey

Imagine being in a classroom where the professor says your grade will be based on your height—not your work. Suddenly, the students who believed "truth is relative" protest about fairness. The lesson? Deep down, we all know there are unchangeable truths that transcend our preferences.

In today’s episode, Stephen Davey explores the first few verses of Titus chapter 1, where the Apostle Paul makes it clear that God’s truth is absolute and unchanging. Paul describes himself as a slave of God, totally committed to advancing the gospel. He was passionate about God’s truth, God’s glory, and God’s people—and he believed in living out the truth without compromise.

As we dive into this passage, Stephen challenges us to consider our own lives: are we living for God with everything we’ve got, or are we compromising when the culture says it's okay? Paul’s words to Titus remind us that faith isn’t about doing "just enough." It’s all or nothing. We’re invited to live boldly for God, proclaiming His truth in a world that prefers shades of gray.

Listen in today to discover why living for Christ is a journey that requires our full devotion—and why God’s promises make it all worthwhile.

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