The Journey Through 1 Peter


Some thirty years after Jesus’ death and resurrection, the apostle Peter wrote the first of his two New Testament letters. He writes to Christians in various Roman provinces in Asia Minor, emphasizing the greatness of Christ’s salvation and how it should affect believers’ daily lives. The other major theme in 1 Peter is suffering for the Christian faith. The apostle instructs his readers on the proper attitude to have when persecution comes and even points to God’s purposes in allowing it to happen. Though written nearly two millennia ago, Peter’s letter has much to say to present-day Christians, who are increasingly under attack throughout the world.

Finding Joy in a Blizzard of Trouble

Finding Joy in a Blizzard of Trouble


Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 1 Series: The Journey Through 1 Peter
Discovering Our Ancestry

Discovering Our Ancestry


Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 2:1–12 Series: The Journey Through 1 Peter
Becoming a Model Citizen

Becoming a Model Citizen


Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 2:13–25 Series: The Journey Through 1 Peter
Marriage Relationships after the Wedding

Marriage Relationships after the Wedding


Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 3:1–12 Series: The Journey Through 1 Peter
The Benefits of Suffering

The Benefits of Suffering


Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 3:13–22; 4:1–11 Series: The Journey Through 1 Peter
Redefining a Long and Healthy Life

Redefining a Long and Healthy Life


Scripture Reference: 1 Pet 4:12–19; 5 Series: The Journey Through 1 Peter

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