The Journey Through 1 John
The apostle John, the author of the epistle of 1 John, has often been called “the apostle of love,” and rightly so. In this letter, he powerfully exalts the love of God and what His love means for Christians in our everyday lives. We love because He first loved us, and loving our brothers and sisters in Christ is one of the key marks of being a genuine believer. We do well to heed all that John says about loving God and loving one another.
But John can also just as appropriately be called “the apostle of certainty.” From his vantage point of having seen and walked with Jesus and being entrusted as an apostle with God’s message, he hammers home the truths we need to know and hold fast to. Among these are: who Jesus is, how you can know you are a true believer in Him, and the rock-solid assurance of eternal salvation through Him. Let us take these certainties to heart and live them out before the world around us.