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Worldliness and the Way Back (James 4)

How to Overcome Spiritual Drift


In this episode, we explore James chapter 4, where James sheds light on the dangers of worldliness creeping into our lives and the church. He describes the conflict and strife caused by selfish desires and offers practical steps to turn back toward God. Worldliness isn’t just about what we do—it’s about how we think and live, often ignoring God’s presence in our decisions. James warns that becoming a friend of the world makes us enemies of God, but there’s hope: "He gives more grace." By submitting to God, resisting the devil, and drawing near to Him, we can regain spiritual clarity and direction. James also reminds us that our plans should always align with God's will, saying, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” Join us to learn how to take these important steps to resist the world’s influence and embrace God’s wisdom. If you’re struggling with spiritual drift, this episode will help guide you back.

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