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The Fall of Babylon (Revelation 17–18)

Babylon's Judgment Day: The End of False Religion and Worldly Power


Have you ever wondered what will happen to the false religions of the world or how global empires that oppose God’s plan will ultimately end? Revelation 17–18 shows us the fate of Babylon, the city that represents humanity's defiance against God. Here, John reveals Babylon as both a religious and political center of power, destined to be judged by God in the final days. This episode unpacks the rise and fall of Babylon—a city rebuilt in rebellion against God, representing the culmination of mankind's desire for control and self-worship.

Join us as we explore the four defining characteristics of Babylon and how its wealth, influence, and alliances will come to a sudden, catastrophic end. You'll learn how the ten kings who support the Antichrist will ultimately destroy the false religious system that helped establish their power. Listen in to see how God’s judgment on Babylon becomes a message of hope for those who trust in Christ. Don’t miss this dramatic episode—a look at the end of humanity’s rebellion and the triumphant victory of God’s kingdom.

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