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The Curse of Canaan (Genesis 9:18-29)

Genesis 9:18-29

01/24/2025 Stephen Davey

Have you ever wondered why Noah cursed Canaan instead of his son Ham after the incident involving Noah’s drunkenness? This story has been widely misunderstood and used to justify harmful ideologies over centuries. In this episode, Stephen Davey sheds light on what really happened after the flood. Noah’s lapse in judgment led to a profound prophecy about the future of his family, affecting generations to come. You'll discover the truth behind the curse on Canaan and how it played out in Israel's history. We’ll also explore humanity’s shared ancestry and understand why, according to God’s Word, there’s truly only one human race, despite our diverse appearances and backgrounds. Find out what these ancient events mean for you today and how God views every person with equal love and value. Tune in to understand the heart of God and the truth about our shared identity as His creation.


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