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Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)

Genesis 18-19

01/30/2025 Stephen Davey

Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Genesis 18 and 19 present one of the Bible’s most challenging stories, revealing God as both just and gracious. This episode takes you into the heart of God’s character—His holiness and His mercy. As Abraham interacts with the Lord, we see His patient desire for people to repent. But when the people of Sodom refuse, God’s judgment becomes inevitable. Lot's choices and the resulting tragic consequences for his family offer important lessons on resisting or surrendering to sin. Yet even here, the story isn’t just about judgment. God's grace is revealed, showing a way out for those who repent. If you’re wondering about God's balance of love and justice, or if you’ve ever struggled to reconcile divine judgment with compassion, this episode will help. Listen in for a deeper understanding of why this ancient story still matters for us today.

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