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Replacing an Earthly Temple for Eternal Glory (Hebrews 9)

From Earthly Shadows to Eternal Glory


Have you ever wondered why the temple in Jerusalem, with all its grandeur, is no longer central to the Christian faith? In this episode, we dive into Hebrews 9 to explore the dramatic shift from the earthly temple system to the eternal glory found in Christ’s sacrifice. The Jewish believers of that day marveled at the beauty of the temple, but the writer of Hebrews reveals it was only a shadow—a copy—of the real thing. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, the veil was torn, and we now have direct access to the presence of God. No more yearly sacrifices, no more priests standing between us and God. If you’ve ever wondered what the tearing of the temple veil really meant or how Christ’s work replaced an entire religious system, this episode will give you clarity. Join us as we unpack the incredible truth that Jesus’ sacrifice is the doorway to eternal glory.

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