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Paying Every Debt Except One (Romans 13:8-10)

A Christian's Eternal Obligation

05/28/2024 Stephen Davey

As Paul transitions from discussing the obligation to pay taxes in Romans 13, he shifts to a debt that believers must continually pay: the debt of love. Join Stephen as he delves into Romans 13:8-10, exploring the enduring command to love one another and how it fulfills the law.

Discover why Paul’s admonition to “owe no one anything, except to love each other” does not prohibit borrowing but emphasizes the importance of maintaining a good reputation and fulfilling obligations. Learn how love, as an ongoing debt, manifests in our actions and attitudes, impacting our relationships and reflecting God’s love.

Stephen will unpack how love fulfills the law by preventing adultery, murder, theft, and covetousness, turning us into givers rather than takers. This episode will inspire you to “max out your love limit” and continually pay the debt of love, building bridges for the gospel in your daily life. Tune in to understand how this principle shapes a distinctly Christian testimony in a world that desperately needs to see and experience God’s love.

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