(Genesis 42:29-45:5) The Brothers' Reunion

Genesis 42:29-45:5

02/14/2022 Stephen Davey

Neither Jacob nor his sones could have anticipated what God had in store for them as they encountered multiple hardships--famine, loss, accusations,... read more

(Genesis 42:1-28) Bowing Before Joseph

Genesis 42:1-28

02/11/2022 Stephen Davey

Sometimes our conscience needs to be prodded and refreshed so that we not only feel guilt but act upon it. Wisely, Joseph did not attack the brothers... read more

(Genesis 40-41) From Prisoner to Prime Minister

Genesis 40-41

02/10/2022 Stephen Davey

Our lives take unexpected turns. Yet no matter what we face, we can trust the Lord and make choices that honor Him, knowing that in His time, He will... read more

(Genesis 39) The Suffering of Joseph

Genesis 39

02/09/2022 Stephen Davey

Bad things happen to godly people. However, we recognize that God is still at work in our lives even as we suffer. Like Joseph, we can't always see... read more

(Genesis 37-38) The Sale of Joseph & the Sin of Judah

Genesis 37-38

02/08/2022 Stephen Davey

Temptation takes many forms and is never far from us. Sadly, we can unwittingly create temptations for others by our unwise actions. Jacob failed to... read more

(Genesis 33-36) Jacob's Return

Genesis 33-36

02/07/2022 Stephen Davey

A Life of faith is not a ife of comfort. Our faith will be severely tested. Sins from our past can have lingering conseqences. We are not spared... read more

The Wisdom Journey Trailer

11/24/2021 Stephen Davey

The Wisdom Journey with Stephen Davey is a three-year journey through the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, with one 10-minute lesson each... read more

  1. First
  2. 74
  3. 75
  4. 76
  5. 77
  6. 78

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