(Exodus 24:12 - 26:37) In the Light of God's Presence
Exodus 24:12 - 26:37
03/11/2022The tabernacle was constructed according to a very detailed plan the Lord gave Moses. The whole system of worship that centered on the tabernacle... read more
The tabernacle was constructed according to a very detailed plan the Lord gave Moses. The whole system of worship that centered on the tabernacle...
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Israel was called into a unique relationship with God as His chosen people. As such, they were to reflect the character of God in every minute aspect...
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The last six of the Ten Commandments give us vital instructions on how to get along with one another in our families and in society. They offer...
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God's laws for Israel were necessary to restrain sin, maintain order, and make the new nation a light to the world. The laws tell us much about God...
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God graciously chose Israel to be His special people, His treasured possession. This unique status obligated them to humbly obey and honor the Lord...
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The mark of a great leader is having the humility to listen to good advice. Indeed, that's the mark of a wise person. Moses' example as both a great...
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Trials reveal what is in our hearts. Israel's tests in the wilderness brought out dissatisfaction, bitterness, ingratitude, and a complaining spirit....
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Moses and the Israelites, along with millions of God's faithful through the centuries, can testify that the Lord does not always lead us into easy...
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God's final plague on Egypt humiliated Pharaoh and the false gods of Egypt, delivered His chosen people from oppression, and vindicated Himself as...
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Egypt's pharaoh was like so many people today. When everything he believed about religion, life, and the meaning of life was shattered by reality, he...
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(Exodus 24:12 - 26:37) In the Light of God's Presence
Exodus 24:12 - 26:37
(Exodus 20:22 - 24:11) The Book of the Covenant
Exodus 20:22 - 24:11
(Exodus 20:12-21) The Ten Commandments, Part 2
Exodus 20:12-21
(Exodus 20:1-11) The Ten Commandments, Part 1
Exodus 20:1-11
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Exodus 19
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Exodus 17:8 - 18:27
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