(Numbers 26-31) Reminders of God's Attributes
Numbers 26-31
04/15/2022To consistently follow what God says, we must have an accurate understanding of who God is. God is revealed to us in the Bible and quite often... read more
To consistently follow what God says, we must have an accurate understanding of who God is. God is revealed to us in the Bible and quite often...
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The opposition to God's chosen people Israel came in many forms. The same is true for us. Our enemy continually seeks opportunities to discredit,...
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Every generation must answer for their own response to the Lord. As the new generation in Israel neared the promised land, they were given living...
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God's instructions to Israel in Numbers 18-19 emphasize two important principles relevant to His people in every age. We must follow God's revealed...
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Israel's sad example reminds us that God's love and compassion are steadfast. He does not withdraw His promises or change His plans when we rebel...
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God calls us to trust His promises and consistently live in accordance with them. He doesn't ask us to examine His promises in light of the current...
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The people Moses led are a warning to us that complaining about difficult circumstances is not just counterproductive; it's also an affront to God....
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We prepare for many things--career, family, retirement, even death. But chapters 7-9 of the book of Numbers reminds us that we are never really...
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Neither a church nor an individual can hope to follow and honor the Lord without a commitment to pursuing holiness. As these chapters in Numbers...
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In these opening chapters of Numbers, we see God preparing His people for their journey to the promised land. He not only begins preparing them for...
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(Numbers 26-31) Reminders of God's Attributes
Numbers 26-31
(Numbers 21:10 - 25:18) Balaam and a Talking Donkey
Numbers 21:10 - 25:18
(Numbers 20:1 - 21:9) Serpent on a Pole
Numbers 20:1 - 21:9
(Numbers 18-19) Organized Worship
Numbers 18-19
(Numbers 15-17) Promises, Leaders, and Priests
Numbers 15-17
(Numbers 13-14) When Obstacles Grow Bigger Than God
Numbers 13-14
(Numbers 10-12) Fresh Food and a Power Play
Numbers 10-12
(Numbers 7-9) The Preparation is Complete
Numbers 7-9
(Numbers 5-6) Paving a Path to Purity
Numbers 5-6
(Numbers 1-4) More Than Arithmetic
Numbers 1-4