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How to Run the Race with Endurance (Hebrews 12)

Enduring with Joy and Purpose


Hebrews 12 encourages believers to run the race of faith with endurance, casting aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles. This episode dives into the powerful imagery of Hebrews 12:1-2, where the Christian life is likened to a long-distance race. Surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, we’re called to fix our eyes on Jesus, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him. We’ll explore practical ways to eliminate distractions, resist temptation, and keep moving forward when the road gets tough.

The passage also reminds us that God's discipline is a sign of His love and a tool for our growth in holiness. The final destination? The heavenly Jerusalem, the unshakeable kingdom of God. If you're feeling weary in your walk of faith or wondering how to stay strong in the race, this episode offers encouragement and direction straight from God's Word. Join us as we unpack what it means to run with endurance and finish well, knowing that our eternal reward is waiting.

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