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Confidence in the New Covenant (2 Corinthians 2:14—3:18)

Find Confidence Amidst Life's Struggles

07/19/2024 Stephen Davey

Are you feeling broken and unsure if you can ever be whole again? The world offers countless ways to boost self-confidence, but the Apostle Paul teaches us a different approach. In this episode, we delve into 2 Corinthians 2 and discover where our true confidence should lie. Paul reminds us that our confidence is not in our success or commitment, but in Christ, who has already secured the ultimate victory. Tune in to learn how to navigate life's challenges by trusting in the triumph of Christ and spreading the fragrance of His knowledge everywhere you go. Discover how to turn life's funeral marches into victory parades, not by relying on yourself, but by marching behind our victorious King.

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