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Antichrists from the Past, Present, and Future (1 John 2:18-27)

Deception Through the Ages and How to Stand Firm


Who are the antichrists that John warns about in his letters, and how do they differ from the future Antichrist foretold in prophecy? In this episode, you’ll learn how to recognize these deceivers, who have existed in every generation, and how they attempt to mislead believers with false teachings and promises. Through John’s teaching in 1 John 2, you’ll discover the tools God has already given you to defend yourself against spiritual deception. You’ll understand why Jesus’ identity as the Son of God is crucial and why any teaching that diminishes His divinity is dangerous. Whether you’re curious about the Antichrist or concerned about today’s spiritual climate, this episode provides essential biblical insights to help you remain strong in your faith. Join us to gain practical tools for identifying and resisting antichrists from the past, present, and future.

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