Hudson Taylor Free Download

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In over 50 years of ministry, Hudson Taylor was responsible for leading nearly 1,000 missionaries into the vast country of China. Together they planted hundreds of churches and started and developed 125 schools. And more than 500 Chinese converts eventually joined the mission as staff members and volunteers.

The China Inland Mission became the largest Protestant missionary organization in the world.

Hudson Taylor learned to speak three different Chinese dialects, evangelized all eighteen provinces of the interior, and prepared a translation of the New Testament in the Ningbo dialect.

But if he were here today, I’m fairly confident he wouldn’t care to hear any of that repeated. Rather, he would stress that he was simply the servant of an illustrious Master—someone small enough to be used by God and weak enough to be available for God to use.

He was struck with the truth of Christ’s words on the cross—“It is finished!”—and he never got over the completed work of Christ on his behalf. And he never forgot that to Christ alone belongs all the glory, honor, and praise...

This resource is a chapter from Stephen Davey's book, Legacies of Light. 


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