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2Peter Study Guide


The Wisdom Journey study guides for 2 Peter

As Peter neared the end of his earthly life, he wrote a second letter to his fellow followers of Christ. His concern in 2 Peter is the rise and continuing presence of false teachers within the professing church. Indeed, this is a pressing issue even today, making Peter’s letter very timely guidance for us. The key to dealing with error is knowledge of the truth. Knowing what the Bible teaches gives us spiritual stability and answers to challenges to our faith; knowing what the Bible records about the past and what it promises for the future gives us perspective on life and motivates us to live consistent, godly lives, even as the truth comes under constant attack. This is why Peter emphasizes in this book the need to grow and mature in Christ.

3 Lessons

About These Study Guides:

Members of The Crew receive the study guides over three years as they follow The Wisdom Journey. Joining The Crew helps support our mission and makes it possible for us to develop The Wisdom Journey. Everyone who is in The Crew for three years will receive every study guide.

These study guides are for the use of the purchaser and his/her immediate family. Please do not distribute or share this material. NOTE: This is a digital resource. After you purchase this resource, It will be available in the "My Media" section of your account. 

2 Peter 1–3

$ 1.50

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