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Mrs. Job (Booklet)

Mrs. Job (Booklet)


When someone suffers, we often focus on them alone. We tend to overlook those standing by the sufferer–family, spouses, friends–who also experience the situation in their own unique way. But those stories often reveal just as much truth. This booket will introduce you to Mrs. Job.

Observations from an Anthill (Booklet)

Observations from an Anthill (Booklet)


Do you want to know how people — especially Christians — should behave in regards to their work? Well, look no further than the little creatures at your feet, and learn a lesson or two from the ants.

Pain - A Perfect Gift (Booklet_

Pain - A Perfect Gift (Booklet_


Have you ever received a gift you didn't want? When you became a believer, whether you knew it or not, you became the recipient of a number of gifts. One gift, however, seems out of place: pain. Though often not appreciated, pain is one of the perfect gifts of God to every believer.

People of the Word (Booklet)

People of the Word (Booklet)


We could argue about the value of hobbies, television, movies, sports, and the newspaper, and never get anywhere! But one truth is undeniable: what you consume impacts you. If you want to be impacted by God, be a person of the Word!

The Road Back to Hope (Booklet)

The Road Back to Hope (Booklet)


What’s it like for disciples to lose their spiritual footing? And what brings them back onto the path? Find out, as the risen Savior overtakes two of His disciples leaving Jerusalem. Discover how Jesus redirects His followers’ journey and sends them back down the road that leads to Hope.

Resurrection Power (Booklet)

Resurrection Power (Booklet)


In the time it would take you to read this booklet, over 400 people across the world will die. Over 150,000 people die every day. That's why Jesus' claim to be 'The Resurrection and The Life' is such good news! He didn't just claim it either; He proved it.

Resolution (Booklet)

Resolution (Booklet)


Paul preached contentment in the midst of difficulty. He modeled the kind of faith that sees every obstacle as an opportunity. But he was also human. As we witness this great apostle deal openly with his most trying disappointment, we can confront and deal with our own.

The Curriculum of Creation (Booklet)

The Curriculum of Creation (Booklet)


If we took the time to really see, hear, taste, smell, and touch our surroundings, we would stand in complete awe of the Creator. Creation reveals who God is. All of it is under the sovereignty of God. Creation shows us His handiwork, and it is on display for all to see.

Trees and the Christmas Story (Booklet)

Trees and the Christmas Story (Booklet)


Were evergreen trees a symbol of pagan worship? Did the Romans really decorate their temples with holly, ivy and mistletoe? Should sincere Christians have a Christmas tree in their living room? Find out the real connection between the symbolism of trees and the Christmas story.

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The Coming Tribulation (Booklet)

The Coming Tribulation (Booklet)


Uncover the Essential Biblical Truths You Need to Know About This Time of Global Unrest ...

Ten Commandments and the 21st Century (Booklet)

Ten Commandments and the 21st Century (Booklet)


The Ten Commandments are under attack. Many in our culture have relegated them to ancient standards that are no longer relevant. What does the Bible say? What role do the Ten Commandments play in the 21st Century, and for us personally?

The Last Words of Jesus (Booklet)

The Last Words of Jesus (Booklet)


CLICK HERE to purchase on AMAZON ...

Taking Marriage up a Tree (Booklet)

Taking Marriage up a Tree (Booklet)


What does marriage have to do with tree branches and a nearby river? And why would anyone want to build their marriage in a tree? Psalm 1 is a unique passage of Scrpiture, showing how a good marriage actually resembles a tree planted by a flowing river.

True Love (Booklet)

True Love (Booklet)


In a culture dominated by wrong views of love, the Lord used the inspired words of the Apostle Paul to teach what true, genuine love is. True, biblical love is so different than what the world calls "love," that a new term was coined to describe it — agape.

Tied to the Treadmill of Life (Booklet)

Tied to the Treadmill of Life (Booklet)


King Solomon uses the word “vanity” 37 times in Ecclesiastes, emphasizing this original Hebrew word meaning vapor, and futility. Solomon begins his journal by describing how human lives are finite, and he warns us that if we keep our gaze “under the sun” life is indeed a futile vapor.

Understanding Revelation (Booklet)

Understanding Revelation (Booklet)


As you seek to understand the book of Revelation, you’ll encounter signs and bowls and trumpets and resurrections and judgments and wars and visions. These things may seem confusing. But at its core, the book of Revelation is about Jesus. ...

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When the Answer is No (Booklet)

When the Answer is No (Booklet)


David didn’t lie in bed every night dreaming of the next giant he would kill or the next battle he would win. He dreamed of building a temple for God. He was a singer, prophet, hero, and king, but he wanted to be an architect. What can we learn from his disappointment at being told no?

Advent Event Coloring Pages

Advent Event Coloring Pages


These are the Coloring Pages that supplement The Advent Event. ...

Almost Empty (Paperback)

Almost Empty (Paperback)


In the most significant courtroom drama of human history, Jesus stands trial for crimes He didn't commit. Through all the twists and turns, we end at a garden tomb where our triumphant Lord rises from the dead, leaving behind a cocoon of grave clothes. ...

An Indescribable Gift (Booklet)

An Indescribable Gift (Booklet)


Beyond those present at the Nativity, God included other characters in His drama we call the Christmas Story. But who are they? And what part do they play in the timeless scenes that unfold? That answer includes an Old Testament prophet, a surprising family tree, and you!

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The Depravity of Man, The Deliverance of God (Booklet)

The Depravity of Man, The Deliverance of God (Booklet)


Sadly, most people are unaware of their own fallen condition, not realizing how powerless they are to break free from the chains of sin. This book reveals the true depravity of man, but in the end, it will lead us to a greater appreciation of God's deliverance.

Holy Obsession (Paperback)

Holy Obsession (Paperback)


Robert Murray McCheyne said, "Remember, you are God's sword, His instrument, a chosen vessel unto Him to bear His name. It is not great talent that God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus Christ. A holy Christian is an awesome weapon in the hand of God." ...

Healing for Troubled Hearts (Paperback)

Healing for Troubled Hearts (Paperback)


Pain hurts. Jesus knew his disciples would suffer severe pain when he died. With only a few hours left to live, rather than worry about himself, Jesus instead offers hope to his friends. And His message of hope can also help us through our suffering today. ...

In Pursuit of Prodigals (Paperback)

In Pursuit of Prodigals (Paperback)


Historically, the Church obeyed God through Biblical church discipline. But in the past half-century, the Church has become apathetic to discipline. But the chuch is not called to apathy, its called to action. What is proper biblical discipline, and how can we return it to our church? ...

What The Cross of Christ Destroys (Paperback)

What The Cross of Christ Destroys (Paperback)


If you had been there at Golgotha 2,000 years ago, it looked like one of the many standard executions performed every day, until the ground began to shake and the sky grew dark. This was no ordinary crux; this was the very crux of history. ...

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