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Slave Traits
About This Series:
In this 3-part sermon series, "Slave Traits," we explore Titus 1:1-4 to uncover the characteristics of a true servant of Christ. Paul identifies himself as a "slave of God," and through his words, we discover the humility, obedience, and devotion that mark the life of a believer. Each message examines how these "slave traits" not only shaped Paul's ministry but also how they should shape our own walk with God. This series challenges us to embrace our identity as servants of Christ, surrendering our will to His purpose and living in full submission to His Word.
Sermons In This Series
From One Slave to Another (Titus 1:4)
The Apostle Paul wrote a letter to a brother named Titus and encouraged him to serve Christ with enthusiasm and dedication, regardless of circumstances. But in that letter he also made the profound confession that, although he considered himself a free man socially and politically, he also considered himself a slave. Why was that?
Passion (Titus 1:1)
If there was one thing Paul could never be accused of, it was lack of passion. In fact, you won't find a more passionate individual in the New Testament.
All or Nothing (Titus 1:1–3)
It's been said that we form an impression of people within seconds of talking with them. If that's true, then our impression of the Apostle Paul after reading a few verses in Titus is that he is passionate about the Gospel. His message isn't formulaic, though it appears in all his letters. It doesn't get redundant with every letter he writes. Instead, it further reveals that when Paul gave his life to Christ . . . he gave it all. Have you done the same?