About This Series:

Hebrews 11, often called the "Hall of Faith," is a powerful reminder of what it means to live by faith. This preaching series delves into the lives of heroes like Noah, Abraham, and Moses—ordinary people who trusted an extraordinary God. Their examples show us that faith is more than belief; it is a commitment to follow God's lead, even when the future seems uncertain. As we explore each of these stories, we’ll learn how to apply their courageous faith to our daily lives, ultimately growing in our trust in the promises of God.

Sermons In This Series

(Hebrews 11:1–3) The Beat of a Different Drummer

There's a list of heroes in Hebrews 11, and the most incredible thing is that it's full of people we wouldn't expect. Learn why God's "Hall of Fame" looks far different from ours.

(Hebrews 11:3) The Ultimate, Original Hero

There would be no great saints had there been no great Savior; there would be no great men or women of faith had there been no faithful God. Today you'll learn why God is the ultimate original hero of the Bible.

(Hebrews 11:4) Beyond the Cherubim

The story of Cain and Abel provides us with a lot of firsts in history: the first sibling rivalry, the first murder, the first account of true and false religion and, of course, the first example of a human hero.

(Hebrews 11:5–6) The First Vanishing

What do you know about Enoch? His story provides us with a picture of our redemptive future . . . and a picture of our redemptive past.

(Hebrews 11:7) Fleeing the City of Destruction

One line says it all sometimes, and that's exactly the case when Moses says that "Noah walked with God." That statement encapsulates a lifetime of obedience and enduring faith.

(Hebrews 11:7) The Lonely Man

When Noah boarded the ark, he wasn't walking away from his trials. He was walking deeper into them. The pain of living with unbelievers was doubled by the pain of watching them be destroyed.

(Hebrews 11:8–22) Waiting on the Promises of God

(Hebrews 11:23–28) From Riches to Rags

Many people have lost everything because of their foolishness and disobedience to God. Moses willingly exchanged all his temporal possessions for an eternal one. Learn why Moses never regretted it.

(Hebrews 11:35–40) Faith from the Unlikely

From a human standpoint, Rahab's name doesn't belong in Hebrews 11. However, today you'll learn that your past does not dictate your future.

(Hebrews 11:32–34) So Many Stories . . . So Little Time

Hebrews 11 contains the names of people who failed spiritually as much as they succeeded. Stephen explains in today's message why God so graciously included them.

(Hebrews 11:35–40) Living in the Shadows

If the blood of the martyrs really is the seed of the Church, no wonder the author of Hebrews saved their stories for last in his account of biblical heroes. Today we learn from those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

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