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Sabbath Psalm (“Processions,” from Seth Davey’s album, Kingdom Rising)

Does darkness rule or does the light?

Or are they stuck in a truce?

And what's the substance: death or life?

Is one a lie and one the truth?


The chaos and order 

We claim for a fact

It's either a battle or a balancing act

But what is that pulse that's humming under all that?

A Timpani in the toil

A symphony in the soil


The strummers strum

The drummers drum

Love's rhythms through all things

The minor rifts

The major lifts

Processions of our King


The chaos and order

The fictions and facts

We think it's a battle or a balancing act

But listen! Redemption's so much deeper than that!

Timpanis in the toil

Symphonies in the soil


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