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Sabbath Psalm 39

(Adapted from John Newton’s hymn ‘Safely Through Another Week’)

Safely through another week God has brought us on our way;
Let us now His blessing seek, waiting in His courts today:

Day of all the week the best!
Emblem of eternal rest!

Now we pray for Heaven’s grace through our dear Redeemer’s name;
Show Your reconciled face! Take away our sin and shame!

All our worldly thoughts subdue:
Till we rest again in You!

Here we come to praise Your name; let us sense You all around;
Lift the clouds that block our eyes till Your grace and love abound!

Give our hearts a taste, at least!
A portion of that Kingdom feast;

Pull us from the sinking sands of godless men and godless times;
Bid our hearts to feel Your hand and see the light that ever shines!

Rise, O soul, as Heaven’s dove!
Join that Sabbath rest above!


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