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Prophecy Fulfilled

Prophecy Fulfilled

Isaiah 66:8a

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment?”


I said at the outset of our brief journey through the Book of Isaiah that we’d discover within it a voice as powerful in poetry as in prophecy, and I hope you’ve been as impacted by this divine blend of truth and beauty as I have. For me, I can’t get over that serene landscape of Isaiah 11 where lions and lambs lie down in harmony and where children play without fear. Nor can I forget that gripping portrait in Isaiah 53 of our suffering, Servant-King who willingly exchanges His glory for our iniquities. Nor can I forget those beautiful, courageous feet that dance on the mountains of Isaiah 52 to bring the good news of salvation to those far off. Nor, most of all, can I forget that divine whisper in Isaiah 43 of new miracles being formed right now in our very midst.


Oh, how wondrous the voice we’ve heard in this prophecy! Oh, how rapturous the vision we’ve seen by this revelation! Oh, how luminous the kingdom that has risen in our hearts through these quiet moments of reflection! And I trust we’ll never be the same again hereafter.


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