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Progressive Revelation

Progressive Revelation

Genesis 17:1a When Abram was ninety-nine years old the LORD appeared to Abram…    

Theologians use the phrase ‘progressive revelation’ to explain how God revealed His gospel truth slowly, over the course of many millennia, and while we might accept progressive revelation as a fact of bible composition, it’s more difficult to embrace it as a fact of our own biographies, isn’t it? I mean it’s wonderful to consider that Redemption’s story is still unfolding, but it isn’t as comforting to find ourselves in the middle of unanswered questions. So imagine Abram here. He’s ninety-nine years old now. He’s been counting down the days like the stars, and he’s waited twenty-four long years for the promised heir. But still no word. Still no positive pregnancy test. Still no sign of progress. And maybe that faith in his heart that had once blazed like the North Star on a clear night is now flickering like an ember in a dying campfire.    

Had we asked Abram sometime before his 99th birthday whether an eternity of reaping was worth a lifetime of sowing, I’m not sure how he would have answered. But I know how he’ll answer now from the hindsight of heaven!  


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