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Pro-Life Advocacy

Deuteronomy 30:19-20a
“I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice and holding fast to him, …”

The terrifying trajectory of neo-liberalism being manifest all throughout society today was prophesied by C.S. Lewis in his essay, “The Abolition of Man,” where he warned that man, in his attempt at self- actualization, will finally sacrifice his own humanity on the altar. And we’re seeing the effects of that plague he saw shadows of a century ago. The loss could come in many different forms. Man could give all his power to artificial intelligences, creating robots and computers and microchips that do all his God-given work for him, becoming subservient to mechanical overlords and willing the transition himself. Or the loss could come through trans-humanist ideology, where men exploit genetic engineering and chemical concoctions to transcend the bounds of biology. As one such transhumanist psychologist graphically expressed in a candid, unabashed interview, “Why does our genitalia have to be male or female? Why can’t we have flowers or multiple organs or something else entirely?”, before going on to gloat about the fact that scientific advancement is drawing us nearer to that great precipice every day. Yet, one thing is certain: man’s final fall at Armageddon, like his first in Eden, will come as the end result of a lifetime of choosing death over life, one step at a time, every step of the way.

“Gender isn’t binary!” someone scribbled in the stall of a coffee shop bathroom. “Morality is oppressive!” rioters cry in the streets. “My body—my right!” abortionists screech through gnashed teeth. But the genderist revolt isn’t about the binary of male and female, nor is the feminist revolt about the conflict between a baby’s life and a woman’s body; those are only symptoms of a deeper revolt against the fundamental binary of good and evil, right and wrong, life and death, virtue and vice. And any man, family, church, or nation that willfully turns away from God to pursue a perceived better end has, in the very first step, begun the process of certain demise.

Oh friend, today—right now—once again, I beg you: choose Christianity! Choose humanity! Choose life!


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