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Love is the Higher Law

Sabbath Psalm

(“Love is the Higher Law,” from Seth Davey’s album Kingdom Rising)

To speak of Incarnation—of God with a face like ours
Of Love’s disfiguration—till we look through the scars
The Kingdom is a mustard seed—too small to apprehend
It grows beneath our feet—and towers in the end

Love is the higher law
Stronger than the grip of gravity
Even truer than
The grave in front of me
Even in the mundane I feel miracles
I could never make-believe
Rising in the present
A little taste of Heaven’s

So take a look around—but see through a child’s eyes
The miracles are low—hid from the high and wise
Like treasures in the dirt—only the poor could find
A Garden free to all—who leave all else behind

Come, all ye weary souls—so sick of all the noise
Come transubstantiate your sorrows into joys
If you’ve got ears to hear and you’ve got eyes to see
Behold The Spirit’s work!
Don’t miss the mystery!

Love is the higher law


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