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Ignorance isn’t Blissful

Ignorance isn’t Blissful

Isaiah 64:8-9

But now, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand. … Behold, please look, we are all your people.


As if Michelangelo could forget his Sistine Chapel or Shakespeare his Hamlet or Abraham his son Isaac! As if Isaiah really needs to remind God, the perfect Artist and Author and Father, that we’re His handiwork, His magnum opus, His family. But don’t we do that too? We presume to tell the very Shepherd—who descended from heaven, wrapped himself in our wool, and poured out His blood to redeem our souls—to hear our prayers. We’re just like a little boy who tells his parents to drive the other way (when he’s got no idea where he’s going), and that the oven’s too hot (when he's never cooked), and to press a different button on the TV remote (when he’s holding the DVD remote). So when I look into the mirror of Isaiah 64:8-9 today, all I can do is put my face in my palm and thank my Father for patiently loving such a know-it-all, backseat-driving, ignorant kid like me.


Friend, God never forgets who He is to us and who we are to Him! It’s us who need reminding.    


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