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The New Dawn

Joshua 1:1-2

After the death of Moses the servant of the LORD, the LORD said to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, “Moses my servant is dead. Now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the people of Israel.”

After—what a perfect way to start off this new chapter of Redemption’s story. Just as there was life after Adam and life after Abraham and life after Isaac and Jacob and Joseph, there’s life after Moses, too. Moses’ timely, unique accomplishment in the world can never be replaced, but it must be advanced. And the story that our Redeemer-King has been spinning since breathing the cosmos into existence isn’t just about delivering captives from Egypt or crossing Red Seas or inheriting prime real estate in Canaanite hills. If it were, then the Book of Joshua would be a penultimate chapter in the drama. Oh, but this is only the prologue! This is just the space between paragraphs. That little margin between the period at the end of a sentence and the next word. 

Speaking of transitions, notice how Joshua describes himself at the very outset as “Moses’ assistant,” because that’s what he’s been thus far. An auxiliary force, a helper, an arm-lifter, a disciple, standing side by side with Moses and walking stride for stride with him, but not having to bear the penetrating eyes of Providence in Sinai’s flames or the brunt of men’s outrage. A vice president as it were—not the guy with his hand on the nuclear button. Joshua doesn’t yet know the sheer thrill and terror of taking the first pioneering steps forward and being responsible for all who follow behind. Yet, all that’s about to change. No longer will Joshua be referred to as Moses’s assistant. The spotlight is now on him. The ink is now dry on those five foundational books of Moses, and it’s time for a new chapter—a new leader—a new adventure. “Joshua, you’re My assistant now,” the LORD effectively thunders from highest heaven. 

Friend, doesn’t it astound you to consider that God is still unfolding His grand redemptive tale after all these years, even in this latter age, and He’s chosen us to assist Him?! Arise, O Christian! A new dawn awaits!


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