Click Here for a topical index of articles by Stephen Davey.



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1 Why is Jesus “the Lion of Judah

Why is Jesus “the Lion of Judah"?

by Stephen Davey
Barbara asked, In Rev. 5:5, why is Jesus called “the Lion of Judah”? ... read more
2 Resolutions of the Faith: Prayer

Resolutions of the Faith: Prayer

by Stephen Davey
Many parents of young adults have experienced the conflicting emotions involved in sending a son or daughter away to college. In those final hours before separation, parents tend to give “final” instructions like, “be careful, study hard and make good friends. read more
1 Resolutions of the Faith: Bible Study

Resolutions of the Faith: Bible Study

by Stephen Davey
Have you ever traveled on a road trip and gotten completely lost on the way? Back before we all had a personal navigator in our pockets, travelers had to use a book of maps, called an atlas. Even then, one might have to admit to being lost and, regardless of embarrassment, stop and ask for directions. read more
3 Thankfulness in Psalm 100

Thankfulness in Psalm 100

by Stephen Davey
There is perhaps no better place in Scripture to look to find genuine, sincere, constant thankfulness to God than in the Psalm 100. David and the other psalmists fill their poetry with gratitude to God, lifting up their voices in praise to Him constantly, during the best and worst times of life. read more
3 Thankfulness: The Example of Jesus

Thankfulness: The Example of Jesus

by Stephen Davey
You probably have not heard of Sarah Hale, but you likely do recognize her most famous poem — Mary’s Lamb. Besides her work as a poet,... read more
3 Thankfulness: The Mark of a Believer

Thankfulness: The Mark of a Believer

by Stephen Davey
For the believer, giving thanks is not just something we do on a Thursday in November, when we are gathered around our families, stuffing our faces with delicious food and then napping during football games. Thankfulness is meant to be a daily part of a Christian’s walk, and is––in fact––one of the unique characteristics of genuine believers. read more
3 A Guide to Political Engagement

A Guide to Political Engagement

by Stephen Davey
Should Christians vote? ... read more
3 Submitting to Authority

Submitting to Authority

by Stephen Davey
During the ministry of the apostle Paul, the church was living through a time of political distress and blatant religious persecution. The church in the Roman Empire was suffering greatly at the hands of Emperor Nero. It must have shocked these believers to read what Paul had to say to them in his letter: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13:1).  read more
3 Happy are the Merciful

Happy are the Merciful

by Stephen Davey
We see petitions for mercy in every aspect of our society. ... read more
3 Happy Are the Hungry

Happy Are the Hungry

by Stephen Davey
You’ve heard the old adage: we are what we eat. We are either helped or hurt by what we consume. ... read more
3 The Brokenhearted are Blessed

The Brokenhearted are Blessed

by Stephen Davey
Jesus surprised His audience when He informed them, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted (Matthew 5:4). The word the Lord used for blessed (makarios) means “supremely happy.”  read more
1 The Coming Tribulation

The Coming Tribulation

by Stephen Davey
If you were to place the tribulation into a categorical heading, it would be “The Wrath of God Revealed.” For a period of seven years, the earth will stagger under the weight of God’s wrath.  read more
1 Forging Friendships

Forging Friendships

by Stephen Davey
Deep and abiding friendships are increasingly rare. The truth is, not only is the world filled with lonely people, but the church is too. And although we are surrounded by people whose faces we recognize, could we really count on them as true friends? read more
1 Fracturing Friendships

Fracturing Friendships

by Stephen Davey
You may have relationships that are in desperate need of repair. Don’t continue taking these steps that ultimately fracture friendships. Step up and humbly resolve relational issues with grace and transparency. read more
1 Do Babies go to Heaven When They Die?

Do Babies go to Heaven When They Die?

by Stephen Davey
If you’ve endured the grief of losing a baby, find comfort in knowing that your child is experiencing heaven right now. The One who loves your child the most has taken that precious one into His Father’s house. read more
1 The Enoch Example

The Enoch Example

by Stephen Davey
What is the Enoch example? It’s the example of a man who walked with God, lived with passion, and spoke the truth. read more
1 Hope For A Spiritually Single Mom

Hope For A Spiritually Single Mom

by Stephen Davey
If you’re tempted to think you’re inadequate, you are right. But never forget that God chose to give you your child. In spite of who you are and what you’ve done, God’s grace is not exhausted. You are God’s chosen mother to pour into your children the treasure of His Word, just like He poured It into you. read more
1 ACTS OF GOD:  A Correct Response

ACTS OF GOD: A Correct Response

by Stephen Davey
Is there anything supernatural about natural disasters? In other words, is God behind the scene allowing tornadoes, rip currents, and viruses to devastate lives for no apparent reason? read more
1 ACTS OF GOD: Some Critical Reminders

ACTS OF GOD: Some Critical Reminders

by Stephen Davey
Natural disasters, or so-called acts of God, can change our lives very quickly, producing great hardship, suffering, and pain. However, our... read more
1 Race, Unrest and the Gospel

Race, Unrest and the Gospel

by Stephen Davey
Race, Unrest and the Gospel ... read more
1 Pride and the Coronavirus

Pride and the Coronavirus

by Stephen Davey
What does a pandemic reveal about the human heart? Fear. Frustration. Courage.  Certainly, all of these and more. But have you ever thought that suffering can actually reveal pride in the human heart? read more
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